Custom Figurines 🔥

Elevating your imagination into legacy

We transform your cherished moments into timeless

  • Eternalizing Creativity
  • Unique Expression of Love
  • Celebrating Milestones
  • Image #1
  • List Title
  • List Title

Black Friday Sale

50% Discount


  • Boxes
  • Sticker and Labels
    Sticker and Labels
  • Bags
  • Mailers
  • Paper bags
    Paper bags
  • Tubes
  • Flexible Packaging
    Flexible Packaging

What We Do

Our Mission

At VIP Art, we embrace the concept of immortality by immortalising your creativity and treasured moments.

Our mission is to craft something exceptional, worthy of being considered a legacy that generations will cherish and adore. We are dedicated to creating unique pieces that you and your loved ones truly deserve.

Our Services 🔥

At this stage, we begin by transforming your treasured drawings into stunning 3D figures.

This process not only elevates your loved ones’ art but also becomes a source of pride for your family, lasting for generations.
Imagine gifting this unique masterpiece to someone special, creating lasting impressions of value and uniqueness in their hearts.

How It's Done

Drawing file

  • We receive your painting
  • file and evaluate
  • the processing time

Time: 20 minutes  |  Labour: 100%


3D Modelling

  • Our modelling team
  • converts your drawing
  • into a 3D model

Time: 5 hours  |  Labour: 100%


3D Printing

  • The 3D model gets
  • ready by our experts
  • and printed by 3D printers

Time: 20 hours  |  Labour: 20 min



  • The polished model
  • is coated to prime
  • it for painting

Time: 3 hours  |  Labour: 20 min



  • Delivered to the
  • the Post Office
  • for shipment to you

Time: 30 minutes  |  Labour: 100% 



  • Placed in an appropriate
  • case, and packaged
  • for shipping

Time: 20 hours  |  Labour: 20 min



  • The primed model
  • is painted by miniature
  • artists in 2 to 3 layers

Time: 3 hours  |  Labour: 1 hours


How to order

Select Your Product
Upload your drawing
Customise your product
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Single children’s drawing


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In tristique malesuada elit, ut facilisis tellus elementum id. Nullam id consectetur diam. Pellentesque nec tristique sapien etiam non augue lacus.

Multiple children drawing


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In tristique malesuada elit, ut facilisis tellus elementum id. Nullam id consectetur diam. Pellentesque nec tristique sapien etiam non augue lacus.

single adult drawing


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In tristique malesuada elit, ut facilisis tellus elementum id. Nullam id consectetur diam. Pellentesque nec tristique sapien etiam non augue lacus.

Multiple Adult Drawing


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In tristique malesuada elit, ut facilisis tellus elementum id. Nullam id consectetur diam. Pellentesque nec tristique sapien etiam non augue lacus.

spatial characters


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In tristique malesuada elit, ut facilisis tellus elementum id. Nullam id consectetur diam. Pellentesque nec tristique sapien etiam non augue lacus.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In tristique malesuada elit, ut facilisis tellus elementum id. Nullam id consectetur diam. Pellentesque nec tristique sapien etiam non augue lacus.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In tristique malesuada elit, ut facilisis tellus elementum id. Nullam id consectetur diam. Pellentesque nec tristique sapien etiam non augue lacus.

Men’s t-shirt


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In tristique malesuada elit, ut facilisis tellus elementum id. Nullam id consectetur diam. Pellentesque nec tristique sapien etiam non augue lacus.

See what our customers say

Get service support at any point of your packaging journey to guarantee total packaging success.

  • “ Your sales managers will go into the field feeling energized, excited, and inspired.”
    Robert Fox
    Robert Fox
    Founder & CEO, Strong Insights
  • “ Your sales managers will go into the field feeling energized, excited, and inspired.”
    Jacob Jones
    Jacob Jones
    Head of Design at Zazoo
  • “ Your sales managers will go into the field feeling energized, excited, and inspired.”
    Alex Sandro
    Alex Sandro
    Founder & CEO, Strong Insights
  • “ Your sales managers will go into the field feeling energized, excited, and inspired.”
    Jennifer C.
    Jennifer C.
    Head of Design at Aveni
  • “ Your sales managers will go into the field feeling energized, excited, and inspired.”
    Alex Sandro
    Alex Sandro
    Founder & CEO, Strong Insights
  • “ Your sales managers will go into the field feeling energized, excited, and inspired.”
    Robert Fox
    Robert Fox
    Founder & CEO, Strong Insights
  • “ Your sales managers will go into the field feeling energized, excited, and inspired.”
    Jacob Jones
    Jacob Jones
    Head of Design at Zazoo
  • “ Your sales managers will go into the field feeling energized, excited, and inspired.”
    Alex Sandro
    Alex Sandro
    Founder & CEO, Strong Insights
  • “ Your sales managers will go into the field feeling energized, excited, and inspired.”
    Jennifer C.
    Jennifer C.
    Head of Design at Aveni
  • “ Your sales managers will go into the field feeling energized, excited, and inspired.”
    Alex Sandro
    Alex Sandro
    Founder & CEO, Strong Insights

Frequently asked questions

Very Important Art
This store is a demonstration of a luxury brand using the Stiletto Shopify theme. Products and imagery for this demo graciously provided by St. AgniOur dresses pair timeless designs with sustainable.
This store is a demonstration of a luxury brand using the Stiletto Shopify theme. Products and imagery for this demo graciously provided by St. AgniOur dresses pair timeless designs with sustainable.
This store is a demonstration of a luxury brand using the Stiletto Shopify theme. Products and imagery for this demo graciously provided by St. AgniOur dresses pair timeless designs with sustainable.
This store is a demonstration of a luxury brand using the Stiletto Shopify theme. Products and imagery for this demo graciously provided by St. AgniOur dresses pair timeless designs with sustainable.